Madagascar Ambohitrakely Bookfeeding


Madagascar Bookfeeding Project was the second Bookfeeding project, and first of its kind in Africa. In March 2014, after Niry, now our local representative, offered her family building for our project, we organized the first book and money collections for Madagascar. In July of that same year we finally opened the first Bookfeeding library in Africa.

The current literacy rate in Madagascar is 65%, ranking it 182 out of 194 countries (UNICEF), thus leaving 35% of the population illiterate. Although many in the country are trying to resolve this, the literacy rate in Madagascar has declined substantially in the last decade. Bringing more books to those who need them is the essential aim of this project, so as to help reverse this literacy decline.

Three international volunteers and many hard working locals spent a whole month renovating the library building, making bookshelves, painting walls and finally, unpacking and buying books.

The library now has two rooms; one dedicated to bookshelves and books, and another that has been organised as a study room with tiny chairs and tables where children can learn how to read, draw and write. The library opening hours change, depending on school holidays, weather season and presence of a volunteer. It is mainly used by kids from surrounding villages and during holidays also by high schoolers and a few university students.

There are number of things that we would still like to improve in the village. Our priority now is to collect enough funds and secure government permission to bring electricity to the village. At the moment the only way children can read after 6pm is by using candles, which are not only expensive, but also dangerous to have around books! Furthermore, if we manage to supply our village with electricity we can buy an old computer and teach children some basic IT knowledge which is so crucial in today's world! Let us know if you would like to help!

People At The Project



Niry is a lovely lady who initially contacted us asking for books. From this first communication the library was born and Niry became its manager. The building where the library is belongs to her husband’s family, however they now live in Tananarive - the capital city - and thus cannot visit the library very often. Nevertheless, Niry knows the villagers and will be happy to help. She is a very nice, easy going and optimistic person.



Pascaline is a young and optimistic girl who speaks English and French and is happy to guide volunteers around. However, she has recently moved to Belgium for a few months. Bookfeeding project opened new opportunities for her and we are very happy for her. Pasy did not forget about her village and will happily guide you through your experience. She can help you pack and get ready before you even leave to volunteer!

  • Current Needs: French books on agriculture

  • Established: July 2014

  • Languages: English, French, Malagasy

  • Accepting Volunteers: Yes



Zara Aina (Mobile Library)
Lot IVG 161
Antanimena RDC
Antananarivo 101

(Please also attach this phone number to make package delivery easier: 034 08 822 84)